Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is the role of the media and is it doing this?

The role of the media is essentially this; inform the people properly and help democracy to thrive. The media is not doing this.

People absolutely must know what is going on, that is irrefutable. People must know whats happening so as to make informed opinions, if this does not happen, the democracy dies. When I say "going on" I do not mean all the details in Brangelina's latest little tiff. I'm talking about the shit that actually matters, like war and climate change.

The media is clearly not doing this, if people were well informed there would be a lot less supporters of the War On Terror Inc.! Instead the media exists to keep us distracted, to entertain.

It does not suit the ruling-class to have a well-informed public. This is so for 2 reasons; 1. If we were actually informed there would be a lot more dissent. 2. If the masses are ignorant and apathetic, all they will give shit about is their fucking mortgage.

News Corporation owns 70% of all media in Australia. By having Rupert Murdoch in place and being friendly with him, the government and multi-national corporations can have their horeshit propaganda and ads played and have the sheep swallow it without question.

In Australia, the news is only there to bullshit us. To induce Islamaphobia, to fill us ideas that will keep us divided and prevent revolution. They give us this horseshit idea that we are living in a democracy, which (unless you are extremely wealthy and influential) is complete bullshit.

If the media did their fucking job and did not propagandise us and make out as if the biggest problem in the world is unemployed 20 year-olds, I have no doubt that we would be living in a far better world, possibly an entirely Socialist one!

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