Monday, February 8, 2010

By Ben Kohler
Hayley is the only person in this class I have talked to but I don’t need to talk to anyone else to know that she is probably the most enthralling.
She plays guitar, electric drums and composes for friends’ bands. She likes a little hardcore (A Day to Remember), a bit of old heavy metal (Led Zeppelin) and best of all, she hates all the commercial pop you hear playing on the radio all day! Enthralling!
She likes tennis, plays a little touch football and use to do surf life saving and atheletics. She tells me she watches comedies and horrors and wants to be a journalist one day. Maybe write a book or two, or five.
She has two younger sisters whom she loathes (one is naive and ignorant and the other is just flat out annoying). She works at Macca’s but when asked she said “ KFC is alright.”
She is 17 in one month, goes to Figtree High and is very pretty.