Monday, February 15, 2010

Miss Sophie Haber :)

A hot Tuesday afternoon.
As I sit outside on a bench in Wollongong TAFE smoking a cigarette with my new pal Miss Sophie Haber, who I currently know nothing about, I wonder... who is Sophie? What does she like? What are her political views? These are the questions I seek an answer to.
We got along straight away, Sophie is a very easy person to get along with and talk to. We made small talk about random things like smoking and had a nice conversation with our teacher Peter about how people kill trees and pretty much don't help the environment just to make cigarettes. I ask Sophie the questions I had been itching to find out, and these are the results.
Miss Sophie Courtney Haber is a 16 year old woman, from Austinmer. She is currently a smoker but would like to quit in the near future. Sophie has had 23 piercings in her life but today has she only has 5. A brunette with blonde streaks and brown eyes, she is very intelligent and seems to have her head screwed on pretty well considering her age.
Sophie lives at home with her parents and has her own personal farm - 3 dogs, 3 horses, 4 chickens, 1 rabbit (who thinks its a chicken) and 2 cats.
Sophie is currently doing her HSC through Wollongong TAFE, previously went to Port Kembla Senior College and in the future would like to become a tattoo artist.
Sophie enjoys riding horses, hanging out with friends and boyfriend Danijel, listening to her i-pod and enjoys all genres of music. She also enjoys reading, going to concerts, eating mac & cheese, the colour pink, and rainy days.
Sophie was an enjoyable person to interview and can see us hanging out in the future.
By Rebecca Lang :P

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