Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

My 20 Minutes in Heaven :P

Want a moment of peace and tranquility?
By Rebecca Lang
After spending my 20 minutes in "heaven" or more specifically Wollongong TAFE Court Yard, felt myself feeling at peace with the world and myself. Why? you may ask? Well...

After the 1st few moments of walking into the court yard with James and Hayley. I noticed how the sun was seeping through the wiltering trees, mixed with the tweeting of little birds and the mixed conversations with the few people escaping out of class made the surrounding environment almost serene.

When the three of us sit down to converse, i feel the sun on my back and my man by my side. I can just feel my body and spirit take a deep breath of fresh Autumn air and feel that i can finally just be one with the world.


Isolating myself in the corner of a usually over crowded courtyard nearing the canteen, I found myself listening and viewing nearby action in depth. Things that I would normally pass by, oblivious to my surroundings.
As I stare across into the distance, my eyes are encountered by many appealing, and not so appealing images. Some of the not so appealing involving Rebecca and James practicing their love for one another at a table near by. Thanks guys.
The sound accompanying these images is limited. There is little to no noise surrounding my location, apart from the slight chatter produced by Bec and the rustle of the leaves in the trees above.
This 'peaceful' 10 minutes played out identically second after second, hardly changing. This proceeded until a sharp noise had broken my silence with about 8 minutes to spare. A group of very annoying and small minor birds had perched themselves on the branches stretching out across the roof of the area.
For the next 8, painful minutes, the birds had obviously became the most dominant sounds which I would assume were irritating more people than myself (which was later confirmed when Rebecca threw a stone to the trees, followed by an abusive murmur of words)
Time was up. Back to class.

Observing Nothing

I'm sitting at an ageing wooden bench. The smell is very neutral. The atmosphere is also quite tranquil. Apart from the reigning terror from above.

The sound is dominated mostly by the calls and chirps of birds and the rush of air inside a nearby inflatable screen. Ladies from the administration building continually come outside, sometimes twice in the short time i'm there, to sit nearby and smoke.

The grass has gone from a bright, vibrant orange to a deeper green with the sun passing. A slight but constant wind rustles the leaves on the trees and ground.

The rattle of bins being pushed dominates the ambience for a short time as they are piloted behind me by two men. Looks like fun. The air has grown slightly cooler.

A distant train roars and rattles on it's tracks. Nearby cars hum calmly as they drive past.

Two men have come and are having a quiet conversation. It seems they know each other. They both refer to the nearby projection screen in puzzlement.

The faint buzz of heavy traffic can also be heard. The birds have begun to get louder and are now squawking.

Due to it being the end of the day, people can be seen walking towards their cars. Mostly heads down. Hands full of books.