Monday, February 15, 2010

Review for The Wolfman

It is fairly well written (mainly because it articulates well just how freakin' terrible it is) and all film reviews are different from news stories for many reasons such as they are not about the latest celebrity couple to have a heated arguement or trivial matters such as war and inequality, they're about one of the things in this world that affects us the least. The latest movie out at your local cinema, though film reviews draw more eyes than "Village of people slaughtered in Africa".

Miss Sophie Haber :)

A hot Tuesday afternoon.
As I sit outside on a bench in Wollongong TAFE smoking a cigarette with my new pal Miss Sophie Haber, who I currently know nothing about, I wonder... who is Sophie? What does she like? What are her political views? These are the questions I seek an answer to.
We got along straight away, Sophie is a very easy person to get along with and talk to. We made small talk about random things like smoking and had a nice conversation with our teacher Peter about how people kill trees and pretty much don't help the environment just to make cigarettes. I ask Sophie the questions I had been itching to find out, and these are the results.
Miss Sophie Courtney Haber is a 16 year old woman, from Austinmer. She is currently a smoker but would like to quit in the near future. Sophie has had 23 piercings in her life but today has she only has 5. A brunette with blonde streaks and brown eyes, she is very intelligent and seems to have her head screwed on pretty well considering her age.
Sophie lives at home with her parents and has her own personal farm - 3 dogs, 3 horses, 4 chickens, 1 rabbit (who thinks its a chicken) and 2 cats.
Sophie is currently doing her HSC through Wollongong TAFE, previously went to Port Kembla Senior College and in the future would like to become a tattoo artist.
Sophie enjoys riding horses, hanging out with friends and boyfriend Danijel, listening to her i-pod and enjoys all genres of music. She also enjoys reading, going to concerts, eating mac & cheese, the colour pink, and rainy days.
Sophie was an enjoyable person to interview and can see us hanging out in the future.
By Rebecca Lang :P

"The Box" Review by Rossiter Drake

This review of the film "The Box" starts a bit unconventional. For some reason Rossiter decided to start his review like he'd already written half of it. I must say i haven't seen the film, yet, but i did enjoy Richard Kelly's previous cult sensation "Donnie Darko". It also seems Mr Drake did as well by mentioning it throughout the review and at one point discribing the film as 'brilliant'. He also shows much praise towards Richard Kelly's recent movie "The Box".

After a brief synopsis of the film, Rossiter talks about the strengths of the film compared to Director Richard Kelly's previous film "Southland Tales". He then goes on to compare the actor's work in this film to their own previous films including referencing Frank Langella's previous Oscar nomination for his previous film "Frost/Nixon". He then summises with some final critique on the film including "It is loosely constructed, sometimes from parts that don’t come together." Despite this reviews strange introduction, it was still well written and also very informative whilst not revealing too much about the plot.

Movie reviews are different to news stories as, can be seen in the link, reviews are an artistic critique whilst news stories provide a neutral recount of an event.

-.about emily.-

HEY, I'm Emily...whatsup! :)
i enjoy watching dvd's, hanging with friends, sleepovers, dancing till morning breaks, orange tics tacs, going for a swim (saltwater preferably...cleanses the skin), going for a run, cosmo, late nights, horrors, singing in the shower, annoying people, smiling, boys and bad romance...
i dislike, rude people, justin bieber haters, peppermint, avocado, old peoples shoes, small verandahs, crocs, smoking and ads...
i love all sorts of music besides screamo, i believe it does not create meaning or any sense of musical creativity. However, i 'ily' hip-hop and dance with a spice of techno ;) i heart Justin Bieber...
i go to wollongong high for acting. im really good at it. i went to L.A. for an acting tour in 08' and met adam sandler and other famous peeps. One day i want to be a famous actress and be on the cover of a DVD :)
i really want to travel when i get older, see the new peeps...and try new foods :)
i consider myself to be a short brunette, funny, outgoing, loud, entertaining rarely sad and i smile alot!

peace lovers

Get to the point

Sydney Morning Herald's review of the movie "It's Complicated" begins analysing the movie using positive tone. This text is instantly obvious bias.
Many irrelevant facts are brought into discussion, being basic facts about previous movies the main actors have stared in and also commenting on the age gap between star actor Meryl Steep and the director of the movie. This instantly leads me to believe it is not very well written in terms of the content a usual film review contains.
This review is different from a news story because a news story is usually written to inform the readers about actual fact or a current event. A film review briefly retells the plot of the film adding the authors opinion and other side facts. The author of a film review is writing about fiction, something in a film, whereas a news story is generally based on fact and not fiction.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ben Kohler

Ben Kohler (16 years of age) hails from Woonona High School.
In Ben's spare time, he enjoys basking in the sounds of Punk-Rock bands such as the Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, Misfits, Black Flag, The Clash and also appreciates a bit of Marlyn Manson! As well as listening to the music his favourite bands produce, Ben also plays the bass guitar which falls into the list of his many hobbies.
On a weekend, Ben entertains himself by "reading alot". He enjoys reading novels written by Stephen King, as well as snooping the internet to find media sources which are usually politically based articles. He likes that kind of stuff!
Ben is currently unemployed yet he feels he should really get a job! Anyone hiring? Unfortunatly Ben would have to be very reliant on public transport, he is almost 17 and doesn't have his L's! Although this doesn't seem to worry him.
Changing schools 5 times and once living in Nowra, Ben must be close to seeing it all! Yet his career path is still being deceided.
From the 10 quiet minutes I have spent one on one with Ben, I have walked away with the knowledge that he is quite smart, has strong beliefs and is a generally nice guy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

By Ben Kohler
Hayley is the only person in this class I have talked to but I don’t need to talk to anyone else to know that she is probably the most enthralling.
She plays guitar, electric drums and composes for friends’ bands. She likes a little hardcore (A Day to Remember), a bit of old heavy metal (Led Zeppelin) and best of all, she hates all the commercial pop you hear playing on the radio all day! Enthralling!
She likes tennis, plays a little touch football and use to do surf life saving and atheletics. She tells me she watches comedies and horrors and wants to be a journalist one day. Maybe write a book or two, or five.
She has two younger sisters whom she loathes (one is naive and ignorant and the other is just flat out annoying). She works at Macca’s but when asked she said “ KFC is alright.”
She is 17 in one month, goes to Figtree High and is very pretty.
Who is Bree Wilkinson? Bree lives in Austinmer, attends Smith Hill high school where she is a house captain for sport. Her favourite subject is history. Bree likes to go to school, her hobbies are soccer, track running and scouts. Bree was born on the 20th of October, 1993. Bree's favourite food is Mexican.

Bree works at Mcdonalds with Emily and enjoys it. At home, Bree has a younger brother and an older sister. Bree has a dog, a budgie, a cockatoo, 3 chickens and she had 5 fish, but 1 fish ate the rest of them.

Bree does this course because she would like to work in this field in the future. Bree's favourite food is chicken and is into any kind of music but she love Britney Spears.

Bree has travelled overseas with her family, and has gone to New Zealand,Vietnam, Hawaii, Fiji and America.

Tyler 101.

Let me tell you something about Tyler Daniel Heycott!!

Tyler is 16 celebrating a birthday in September , hey you lucky ladies Daniel is available and only 7 months away till he turns 17 . Although he appears reserved and quiet to the public eye , He is actually an amazing bass player and apart of a band , groupies unite!. Tyler attends Smith hill High and is currently in year 10 and was the creative genius behind the band ' My little Underground' and plays bass , the most vital and important member to have in any band. All Tylers current attention is focused on his band so atm he doesnt feel the need or the appeal of having a job. A tattoo is on the near horizon so lay by this hottie until next year , as he will be in his prime.

Rebecca Ashleigh Lang

When I was told I was going to interview Rebecca I thought she would be your average pretty blue eyed, blonde teenager but she was anything but.
Rebecca is very well spoken and driven despite being only 16 years of age. Already she is a hard worker and can’t wait to get her higher education and have a career in journalism.
Don’t let Rebecca’s light and bubbly exterior fool you though- she is headstrong and very outgoing and if she has a problem with you, she will tell you. She is definately someone to look up to.
Besides hanging out with her boyfriend of one month, Rebecca also enjoys walking, going to school, reading, piercings and is happy doing not much at all. Rebecca Ashleigh Lang is definately someone worth getting to know better.

By Sophiee.

About Emily

Who is Emily Kiara Treglown? Emily is a 17 year old currently from Warilla. She is in year 12 at Warilla High School. This afternoon I spoke with her about many disjointed topics. Initially not too chatty but after a while I felt like I wasn't contributing enough to the conversation. Typecast questions about interests and hobbies didn't warrant much response but she did have a lot more to say about personal experiences including previous employment. She has previously worked at Wendy's, Blockbuster, and SDS, all three buisnesses renound for part time workers. When the subject came to her future ambitions of being a news reader, she seemed more focused but still a bit undecided. I enjoyed speaking with her and am looking forward to working with her in the future.