Monday, March 1, 2010

Blake John Rigby

We sit down on the slightly-overused, but otherwise comfy, beanbags in the far end of the TAFE library. It's a Tuesday afternoon, and the first lesson of " Media and Journalism". The class has been paired off to casually interview other members. I am sitting with my new-found friend Natasha, and two other class members who I am yet to meet, Blake and Jake.We prepare ourselves to ask questions about each other, and at first it is slightly awkward, which is only to be expected. "So" I inquire as an attempt to break the ice " If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take 5 things, what would you take?" this seems to have the desired effect. Before long we are chatting, with the standardised questions "where are you from?", "what school do you go to?" and other trivial things. Soon, I begin to take notes on Blake Rigby, and form a brief overview of himself and his life.

Blake Rigby was born on October 26, 1993. Not to be confused with his best mate Jake, he is in year 11 at Figtree High School. Blake started his schooling at Mt. St. Thomas primary school, and this year, Blake will be taking Business studies, Work studies, SLR, Photography, English and software & design. Blake explains work studies is his favourite subject, simply because "it's easy". He has also started studying the "media and journalism" course at wollongong TAFE, to "get out of doing geography".

Blake lives in Mount St Thomas, and plays Soccer as a goalkeeper at Wollongong Olympic. His main hobby is Soccer, but he is also partial to a bit of rugby league and cricket, and according to his best friend Jake, he "plays a lot of X-box". Blake supports two teams; Manchester city and the Penrith Panthers as far as Rugby goes.

He lives with his 13 year old brother, his mum, pet dog and 2 birds which he apparently "doesn't pay much attention to". Blake's taste in music is a broad "anything but heavy metal". He has never been overseas, but is hoping to travel when he turns 18. After travelling, he is unsure what he wants to do with his life.

In regards to popular fiction, Blake enjoys watching comedy films such as "Step brothers" and "Role Models". Blake hates reading, and it is obvious after asking him about his favourite novel, that he hates it with a passion.

Spiritually, Blake does not believe in God, or in any other greater force. He simply states that "when you die, you go underground".Blake has also developed an immense fear of snakes, after being chased by one in is early childhood, yet he is not afraid of heights, or spiders for that matter.

Through observing and interviewing Jake for 15 minutes, It is clear that Blake is a guy that loves his sport and Xbox. He is easygoing and friendly, and although not entirely sure what path he wants to take in life, it is clear that he has an exciting future ahead of him.

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