Monday, March 1, 2010

New Moon- A non teenage-girl perspective

Review of Vicky Roach's review by Bree Wilkinson

"New Moon brings the limitations of Stephenie Meyer's teenage vampire romance into sharp relief."

After sifting through many reviews, this opening sentence provides a refreshing burst in a sea of monotony. It draws me in immediately, and after the first few paragraphs, I am already laughing out loud after her witty comments about the horrible diologue, and lead actor Kirsten Stewart, being "damaged goods" a claim with which I can strongly agree.

But don't get me wrong, I myself am a bit of a sucker (no pun intended) for the vampire romance, but it is hard to ignore the obvious flaws in the movie, which are pointed out so cleverly by Vicky Roach. I personally find this blog well written, maybe because it generally is, or possibly because I empathise with the reviewer's distaste for the highly irritating Kirsten Stewart, or the statements made implying that Taylor Lautner and his super-ripped muscles bring "energy" to the film.

The wit, humour and perspective presented in this review seperate it from conventional film reviews, as well as differentiating it from news stories. The personal opinion added is used simply to give the author's opinion as well as get a reaction, as opposed to a news story, where the aim is to persuade the reader of a certain ideal.

I enjoyed this film review immensly for the way it criticises the film, although if I were to review New Moon, my teenage girl instincts would take over and I would become completely oblivious to any flaws when met with Taylor Lautner's perfectly sculpted body.

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