Monday, March 1, 2010

Twiligh Review :)

The movie Twlight is a dull adaptation of Stephany Meyer's book of the same title.
In this movie, a "vegetarian" vampire falls in love with a 'normal' girl.
This supposed 'teen romance' was more like a lullaby as the sleepy cinematography and the lack of action and engaging plot put me right to sleep.

Kirsten Stuart plays a very unlikable Isabel Swan, while Robert Patterson (Edward) is barely passable as eye-candy. Patterson and Stuart had some obvious chemistry the relationship between the vampire and Isabel was un-interesting to say the least.

Stephany Meyer's concept of sparkling vampires did not translate well with the director going for a more subtle romantic view on vampires.

The soft core view of vampires, while popular with teenybopper audiences, could not translate to a broader audience.

For now sparkly, friendly vampires are the new thing but I predict this will fizzle out in the near future.

Even the soundtrack for the movie fails miserably. The movie had many opportunities to be made tolerable through the soundtrack but the directer opted for more mainstream, similarly dull music.

The whole movie is almost like a dark joke, hanging a glimpse of action and excitement just out of arms length like a lion (Edward) playing with its prey (Bella and perhaps all of us movie goers) and just letting it go.

Twilight has to get some applause though as the intended audience has fell head over heals with the characters and story line. There was some promise for the movie but the director played it safe, appealing to a softer, younger, more malleable audience.

All in all, this movie was mushy, poorly adapted for a film and mildly entertaining only because of the terrible acting.
By Sophiee


  1. hello my bu2ful gurl :)
    very well writtn :) lol...
    i h8 twilight....
    bt yea, very well writteb

    (and yes i wrote this da way i did to annoy petr... bwahahahahaha) xxx ily

  2. you love me sophie..
    when are we getting married :P
    we needa set a date :)
    xxxx ily
