Monday, March 29, 2010

Technology in My Daily Life

When I sit down and think about it I reckon I'd use a lot more technology than I initially thought. You don't really think about it, at first you might but after a while you start to take these things for granted and don't really appreciate them.

Going from the time that I wake up to when I go to bed I use the lights, my hair-straightener, my iPod, my mothers car, the computers at school, sometimes the amps in the music rooms, my portable DVD-player, my stereo, sometimes my amps and sometimes I use my mobile. See? Thats not bad is it?

These things certainly do enhance my life come to think of it. I can see with the lights on. My hair wouldn't be all nice and straight when I spike it up without my straightener. And how do you expect me to piss the neighbours off so easily without my amps?!

Yes, these technologies sure do make life sweet. But what if I used up all my free-time on my mobile? What if I sat on MySpace all night every night? Would I be able to function properly as a human-being?

In my opinion internet socialising is the new MTV. Sure they use to play Marilyn Manson videos, sure they have some great shows like Jackass and..............................okay thats all I can think of. But what MTV seem to do to kids from what I have gathered is that it stopped them from thinking. Blank. Nothing. No ones home.

I do not have a MySpace account or anything like that and when I tell people I do not have one they seem shocked most of the time! How can I not have a MySpace?! I won't have to think! I won't have to have a real life! Why would I want to go to a Resistance or SA meeting when I could be on MySpace?!

Boy oh boy have they done a good job or what? They have actually dumbed down the kids so much that none of them know what I'm talking about when I say "CPRS"! The minds of most kids are in a coma.

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