Monday, March 15, 2010


A gang is a group of people who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity...."
Now google's definition of a "gang" makes them sound harmless but, to the average 16-25 year old person, a gang is more threatening then a google definition.

"2526", "2500", "2528", "Bulli Boys", "Berry Boys", "Turk Boys", "Figi Boys", "Oak Flats Elite". These are all examples of mindless teenagers trying to be big, strong, tough men, when in actual fact the majority are "mummies boys" who are just following the crowd.

And as for the chicks or "groupies" that follow these gangs they are generally nothing more than "skanks" who feel tough because they're going out with "one of da boiz". These young women and men get high or sell drugs every day. They sell weed, ice or cocaine to make a living and are probably going to be doing that for the rest of their lives.

Some of these people may actually grow a mind and "snap out of this phase" as some parents might say, but by the time that happens it is too late and they may have had a child and stuffed up their education anyway. All because they were too worried about what their "brothaz" might think. Ridiculious huh?

And I've gotta ask, where the hell are the parents of these children? Why are they letting them roam the streets at all hours of the night, do drugs, and in general just make a nuisance of themselves? These so called "parents" are either doing the same thing (so they probably see no harm in what their children are doing) or are just not able to manage their offspring's recklessness. They need to get it together and get some control - of themselves and of their kids!

(Note: this article is not an example of ALL gangs, just the ones who act like this. No offence intended)

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