Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is the role of the media and is it doing this?

The role of the media is essentially this; inform the people properly and help democracy to thrive. The media is not doing this.

People absolutely must know what is going on, that is irrefutable. People must know whats happening so as to make informed opinions, if this does not happen, the democracy dies. When I say "going on" I do not mean all the details in Brangelina's latest little tiff. I'm talking about the shit that actually matters, like war and climate change.

The media is clearly not doing this, if people were well informed there would be a lot less supporters of the War On Terror Inc.! Instead the media exists to keep us distracted, to entertain.

It does not suit the ruling-class to have a well-informed public. This is so for 2 reasons; 1. If we were actually informed there would be a lot more dissent. 2. If the masses are ignorant and apathetic, all they will give shit about is their fucking mortgage.

News Corporation owns 70% of all media in Australia. By having Rupert Murdoch in place and being friendly with him, the government and multi-national corporations can have their horeshit propaganda and ads played and have the sheep swallow it without question.

In Australia, the news is only there to bullshit us. To induce Islamaphobia, to fill us ideas that will keep us divided and prevent revolution. They give us this horseshit idea that we are living in a democracy, which (unless you are extremely wealthy and influential) is complete bullshit.

If the media did their fucking job and did not propagandise us and make out as if the biggest problem in the world is unemployed 20 year-olds, I have no doubt that we would be living in a far better world, possibly an entirely Socialist one!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i want to be???

by rebecca lang
so what is a news presenter? and what do they do? how do they achieve this?
"A news presenter is a person who presents a news show on television, radio or on the Internet."

A news presenter has many obligations to the public people:

1. To make sure the "right" news is being reported.

2. To make sure there is no bias in your story.

3. make sure you have the correct gramma, and be able to pick out mistakes in your writing. (e.g gramma- Grammar)

people can show their true personality on live TV but to an extent.
this clip shows a man going a little too far.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUS6nKpddec funny guy turns ghetto

being a news reporter on live TV means that things can go wrong and everybody will see
www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSzSyF85RGE&NR=1 break up on live TV

http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=In+Q7D-tDCA&feature=fvw NOTE: DONT DO THIS STORY!!!

The main objective for a TV news reporter is to deliver stories that are of interest to the shows viewers. TV news reporter jobs are extremely competitive; the reporters who understand how to present relevant stories that interest and inform viewers have the best chance of getting hired. TV news reporters find and investigate news in their community as well as write and deliver compelling news stories.

A TV news reporter often spends a lot of time getting ideas for stories. Investigating community happenings and interviewing people is something that most television news reports do almost daily. People who hope to become TV news reporters must have excellent communication skills in dealing with people. Good listening skills and getting accurate information are also important.

Television news reporters must always meet deadlines when creating a written presentation to read on the air. Some TV news reporters work with other journalists to prepare and present television stories to viewers. A TV reporter must always be sure his or her stories meet broadcast regulations as well as standards set by each news channel.


Being a TV reporter/anchor takes sacrifice. On the surface it seems like a glamorous job but those of us who have worked in the industry know it is just the opposite. There is, however, no other job like it in the world. If you like deadline pressure, doing something new every day and making a difference it may be the job for you.

1. If you want to start at a small market television station: Everyone has visions of taking over the NBC Nightly News anchor desk, but the truth of the matter is a tiny portion of people who get into the TV news business will ever make it to a top 10 market. It’s a good idea to start your career in a small market because you can learn all aspects of the business. You will likely do everything like; report, produce, anchor, shoot video, edit and maybe even run the teleprompter with your foot! You’ll also get the opportunity to make your mistakes

2. Be willing to get little pay…at least in the beginning of your career:The average reporter job in a small market gets paid between $15,000 and $18,000 a year. Shocked right? Contrary to popular belief most TV personalities are not rolling in dough. Television news is a field where the supply outweighs the demand. Basically there are more people who want to be on TV than there are available positions. That’s part of the reason why pay is not competitive. Also, if you start at a small market station, you will get small market pay. It’s the nature of the business. If making a lot of money in your career is important to you don’t get into TV news!

3. Forget about holidays at home: The truth is you will hardly ever get holidays off. You will most likely be working. Established main anchors at TV stations will most likely get holidays off which means you will be stuck at work. If you constantly move markets every couple of years to increase your salary and experience you will always be the new kid on the block, which means you won’t have seniority. So, you can kiss Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Fourth of July and Labor Day goodbye. Also “sweeps” months (when stations monitor how many people are watching) will be off limits for vacation time. These months include: February, May, July and November.

4. Be willing to move anywhere to get your first job: Jobs are so competitive that you can’t be choosy when landing your first job.

5. Go to university: Most TV stations require that you have a university degree preferably in broadcast journalism. Some schools that have top broadcast journalism programs.

6. Learn how to speak well: Your voice is key in this field. You should concentrate now on projection, enunciation and inflection. All of these things will help you deliver your “script” in a compelling nature. Be authoritative in your speech. This will give you credibility with your audience. Read newspapers and magazines aloud. Listen to the best journalists in the field when they speak and try to emulate them.

7. Learn how to write for TV: You of course learn some of this in school. Writing for TV is very different from writing a term paper. You need to learn how to write to the images your audience will see on TV. It’s called writing to video. Also, you should keep writing simple and stay away from legalese and clichés. You have only one shot to get the attention of folks at home.

8. Be willing to work all the time: You may be placed on the morning shift, the evening shift, a split shift and the weekend shift at any given moment. New reporters especially have very little say in the hours they work. Working overtime is very common and few stations pay overtime.

9. Create a resume tape: A resume tape is a reel that shows a sample of your reporting/anchoring skills. It usually starts with a slate – a brief showing of your name and contact information. The slate is usually followed by a montage, which is a short segment of compelling live shots, samples of reporting and anchoring. The montage is then followed by three of your best stories. The best way to get your first resume tape is to do one in school otherwise it can be quite expensive. When your tape is done you send it on VHS format along with a cover letter and resume to news directors at the stations you are interested in. Then, you wait and cross your fingers.

10. Be Persistent: Don’t stop until you get that first job! Persistence is an invaluable skill any reporter/anchor should have


Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

news media industry knowledge

Post A

Define the "news media industry"

News media industry

Can be presented in many different forms that can be included in:

Journalism; Collecting, writing, editing and presenting of news or news articles in newspapers and magazine and in radio and television broadcasting

Print media; includes all newspapers, newsletters, booklets, pamphlets, magazines and other printed publications. Most print media is defined as being locally situated although there are still many print media outlets that are national and have become widely successful

Fleet street; is referred to as another word for British journalism

Photojournalism; in which a news story is presented mainly through the sources of photographic material with an supplementary written copy occupying the chosen photography
tabloid; is otherwise known as a newspaper of a much smaller format in scale wise, giving the news it is investigating in condensed form, usually with pictures to highlight the point that it is making, often referred to as; sensational media'

Post 2.

Detail the impact of new and emerging technologies on traditional newsgathering and presentation practices

From a personal point of view I believe Technology is consuming everyone’s day to day life, just at this exact moment I am using my computer, the internet, I have my phone next to me so I do not miss out on anything so I am easily contactable, my ipod on which hence shows that technology has seized the younger generations and has total control, I personally cannot go without one day, without checking my face book although that’s not to say technology hasn’t got any benefits. I have known to use the ever growing concept of technology to help me with assignments via the internet, to check certain news stories when I haven’t got the newspaper at home or one I can come in contact with, it is also used in our homes and every day lives
The Impact of new and emerging technologies on traditional news gathering has changed dramatically. In the society of today journalists don’t use one particular method to find out new stories and to present their findings it is well known that they use different techniques and actions. The particular technology that they could use to describe their findings could vary from a single journalist writing on a notepad, listening to interviews that have been recorded on a recorder as opposed to the concept of another journalist of a similar statue recording down all vital information that they have received on the newest laptop available, where their conversation that they would need could have even been recorded on a ipod, even the journalist in question will not have to even go interview their intervier face to face as the entire interview could be done over emails, hence proves the point of the ever growing factor of globalization
It is often referred that emerging technologies do have more pros then cons when used to help journalists . They provide help by effectively and efficiently helping a journalist when information is known to be obtained for a new story. The help that I am, referring to could range from the use of a simple mobile phone to exchange certain information to particular sources then contrasting to the reality of a association of computers which may clutch the right information regarding the new story to prove that their particular article has more truth then fiction to it. All these factors show that new and emerging technologies are filtrating our traditional newsgathering and presentation practices and how much has changed in the previous few years or so.

Post 3.

Detail 3 roles /work opportunities in print media.

Graphic Designer:
A graphic designer is referred to as a profession within the graphic design industry that assembles together images, typography or motion graphics to create a piece of design. A graphic designer is known to create the graphics primarily for published, printed or electronic media, such as brochures and advertising. To foray in the Graphic designer world a degree associated with graphic designing will increase your chances of securing a job within the industry of your choice. Companies that hire graphic designers usually look for designers that appear to have any type of qualification and experience in this particular industry.
Although it is established that you don't necessarily have to have a degree to be hired in this industry. Courses have been offered at tare regarding Graphic Designing. If you choose to take up courses in Tafe or even University and it can be otherwise known as a starting point as courses you decide to take up will help you to explore all the areas of graphic design available and from the design side to the more illustrative side.

Upon hiring, companies also are known to look for applicants who have a wide knowledge of computers, as it is a basic necessity to, to be able to succeed. Courses are once again offered at Tafe that you can attend and that offer various programs such as Photoshop that is used heavily when working in this profession.
Aside from knowledge presented, you need to have’flair’ almost for creativity, an eye for every microscopic detail, be efficient and on time and to meet deadlines and enjoy working with computers.

Freelance writer;

The word ‘Freelance’ is associated with the term of somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term, so hence a freelance writer is exactly this, writing as he or she pleases, not being tied down to one particular subject or topic for a particular amount of time. There are many ‘perks’ associated when choosing this as an career choice out of most freelance careers presented writing in this profession shows to be of more creative freedom then most jobs that come with working I n the ‘freelance’ industry. Another positive point that can be written about freelance writers is that they can write for magazines, newsletters of their choice, write upon websites, business reports, write sales copy or content for web pages, and even get paid to bog upon their own websites to Some freelance writers make a good living doing only creative writing, like short story writing for anthologies and literary magazines. And unlike many freelance fields and the jobs that they represent, where it has been described that the majority of work needs to be done on-site, most freelance writing jobs can be done from your home.

Although this profession appears to be perfect and have no drawbacks they are some associated with this career choice, which include the mindset, that being a freelancer is not suitable job to all people. It has to fit a certain criteria, being a freelancer requires discipline and self-motivation /If the freelancer decides to and chooses to work at home, the employee is prone to stress presented in the home, that if not managed properly, could prevent them from earning an stable hence the factor of the uncertainty of work available


Photojournalism is described as a particular form of journalism presented that creates images in order to tell a news story that can be either often referred to as still images, but in some cases the term also refers to videos

Which some may ask what is it exactly? A photojournalist records and documents places, people, events and things present in the past or everyday life through photographs that tell a particular type of story. A professional photojournalist whilst in the industry creates nigh quality photographs or whatever photos are needed for that particular job, and the photojournalist in question needs to be qualified in technical expertise and creativity. To be successful in photojournalism a photojournalist has to capture the aspect of the larger story presented in a potent ional photograph that is to be taken. Upon employment it Is often looked into what sets competiting photojournalists apart for the potential of a job and that is which aspect they notice or decide to focus on when takening photographs.

There are qualifications that are needed when considering a career in this field firstly a Formal education is highly recommended. A degree that can be earnt in Tafe or even better whilst in University or even a photography school usually helps you build a portfolio, which is a must if you are passionate if you want to get a job. Your portfolio that you would be creating should demonstrate and show your skills that you obtain with a wide range of photographic subjects, and should cover a range of skills. The sooner you can get your photography published, the better even though at the start you may not be paid, until you are employed and recognized for your talent. If this is the career path that you want to take you should learn how to use the latest equipment and as a photojournalist you will need to learn how to design images with color, as well as how to develop color management files with professional software.

post 4.

Detail 3 roles/ work opportunities in electronic media

The term of 'Dj' can be defined as:

To act as a disc jockey at (a social gathering or radio station).


It is known that to be considered as a worthy DJ worth being hired at functions and is to be recommended that you must have good mixing skills that are practiced upon if you can purchase decks and a mixer minimum as you will need to practice a lot. On average to become started in this industry as a minimum package with just average decks and a mixer costs about $1800 dollars . There is even places such as You tube that you can use to help and teach you about how to exactly use your DJ equipment , mixing etc

Even though this career choice can be seen as ‘laidback’ if you act unprofessional and let people down your reputation will be damaged and you will struggle with making any income as your client list will suffer

Television presenter

A television presenter is identified as a person who introduces or host television programmers. These days it is common for celebrities in other fields to take on this position, but there are also a number of people who have made their name exclusively through the field of presenting, which can include children’s shows music stations , entertainment channels , games shows etc. Although it appears easy to be on television alot of training is required to be had before they are accepted on television in front of an audience

A bachelor’s degree in journalism is the minimum qualification gets your foot in the doors of most news stations or television stations. Internship experience and a minimum of three to five years reporting experience, will increase ones chance of being hired by a major network such as ten , win or prime television. Most on-air television reporters’ oringally started out in small-town stations where they learned everything that was essential in becoming well known in this career from the ground up. It may seem like a glamorous job but the reality is , is that it is long hours , the pay is generally very bad when first starting off , you are always on your feet and sleeping is hardly evident in your career choice but this is all worth the experience for a budding reporter in the industry .Different companies and employers have different concerns Some will insist on qualifications, some will insist on previous experience, some will take anyone regardless of specific qualifications or not. Although it is to be expected that more prestigious organizations will tend to have higher expectations due to qualifications wise. Although a number of ‘nobodies’ have applied for reporting jobs via competitions an example of this is when Ruby rose competed for the converted role of television presenter for V music channel

production assistant

A production assistant, (PA), is defined as a job title that is used in filmmaking and television for a person responsible for various aspects of a production at hand. The job of a PA can vary greatly depending on the financial plan and exact necessities of a production that is being handled

Qualifications that are needed when considering this is as a career choice is that one must be a multi tasker and you need to effectively be able to communicate anybody that is part of the manufacturing team. An company looks for these skills when considering someone for an internship with a production company can be a good way to gain hands-on experience in the industry you are trying to forge into. An internship requires minimum number of hours a week, usually part-time, but full-time internships do exist. Internships are a starting point for building a resume and can also provide networking opportunities. Most internships are unpaid, although the better outcome can be that most times the opportunity that can arise can be that it can lead to full-time employment with the company that you have chosen to intern with. Production assistants must have strong computer skills as more times then enough they may be asked to build spreadsheets and even assist in editing of a certain production Developing your typing skills and is beneficial for production assistants.

Post 5.

Detail 3 roles/ work opportunities in digital media

Software developer

Software engineering or developer is a profession that is known to be dedicated to modify certain aspects of a software application so that it is of a higher quality, cheaper , and effectively and efficiently so it can be sold to the public at a certain time frame.

If you are regarding this as a personal career choice , most employers have a preference that applicants must have at least obtained a bachelor's degree and broad knowledge of, , a variety of computer systems and technologies available in every day-to-day life. The usual degree needed to succeed in this job career wise will be a computer science or software engineering diploma, a bachelor’s degree or higher is needed.

By having these degrees and being a software engineer it can branch off into jobs into such areas such as mathematics and systems design will be sought after by software developers, government agencies, and consulting firms.

Testing computer games ( tester)

Being a computers game tester sounds like all fun and games but it is not necessarily easy. There are definite qualifications needed which include the ability to be qualified enough as you have to have the skills to be able to play at every level, without getting stuck in certain levels and not being able to finish the game you have been assigned to.

A knowledge of other software systems are highly regarded to have example of this is either Microsoft Office or Windows . As a career choice computer testers have to be able to effectively use the systems available as also being able to efficiently be able to communicate with people as they have to be able to explain situations to the video games team for whom they are asked to be testing for

A video game tester will also have to be persistent and keep on track as they need to test an particular game for a certain time period. It has been established that there is significant competition for every game tester job available , as for some of the people within society see playing video games is a must , hence major obsession. If you personally believe that you are highly interested in a game tester job, you have to make sure you are disciplined enough to test the games, rather than simply playing them.

In the first few years, salary wise you can expect to receiivce on average around $30,000, with an increase to $40,000. Experience is nessicerity so being hired straight away will not just happen it takes a lot of persistence and patience

If you have been decided to be employed by a gaming company , in your career you will be working with a team to uncover errors or bugs in the gaming code system so they can be quickly fixed before the game is released by its due date. In the professional world Game testing referred and notified as quality assurance. There are a few misconceptions present when referring to this as a career path , most young gamers see it as to succeed effectively all you need is a personal passion for playing video games.

Good writing and grammar skills are a must , its not all fun and games. You will be required to write detailed reports regarding the bugs you uncover while testing games. A game tester must be able to type in complete sentences. A game tester must be qualified in the correct use of grammar and it has to be remembered that if you are hired at a computer game testing company that everybody will be of English speaking nature.


Referred to as bog

(bl g)


A weblog.

intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs

To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.

This definition categorizes the career path that could be taken by an aspiring blogger who has creative and writing flair . To be qualified for the role of blogging the only qualifications that you need to obtain would be that are you motivated really enough to write articles upon articles about the subjects that entice , intrigue and entertain you .To become a blogger, you just need to be able to be able to express yourself by writing efficiently and effectively. You can even read what the others have written about the same topic and then write your own articles using your own words and sentences. Most famous bloggers started out by registrating on blog sites such as this particular website or of a similar type and there is software available to help you download and install so you have the efficient tools to make an effective website that will attract readers hence make income . It is always important to remember to keep your blofg updated hence readers will keep coming back to your website and it will remain popular. By means of making an extravagant income out of this career choice , it is not exactly a wise move seeing as apart from an exceptional few hardly any become famous in their own right. Money is made by the use of advertising on website/blogsites as hence the most converted story of a blogger turned famous is Perez Hilton. So it probably wouldn’t be the wisest move to take to quit your job totally and take up this as a career choice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Detail 3 roles/work opportunities in digital media?
By Rebecca Lang

Web Development- Is the work involved in making your own website for the internet or intranet. (E.g. web design, web content development, client liaison, web server and network security configeration, and also e-commerce development).

Programming- is an artificial language that is designed to express computications that can be done by a machine, normally a computer. It can be used to create programes that control teh behavious of a machine.

Digital Art- is when you use digital technology to make an artwork. Net art, digital installation art, and cirtual reality have all become recognised artistic practices.

Post 2- Rebecca Lang

Technology has changed in so many ways in the last 10-20 years.
With all of the new i-pods and mobile phone choices it is no surprise that people aren't buying (or even in some cases selling) "old" versions of these things. Most people would much prefer to buy a laptop that is more convenient for work and school then to pay for a huge computer. Also, you don't see people on buses bopping their heads to the sound of rap music whilst holding a chunky disk-man, you see them with their i-pod in their pocket. People so quickly fall in with the times and upgrade their computers, TVs, ipods, sound systems, and even cars. In years to come the millenniums will be asking us: What is a disk man? Why would you carry around something so chunky and ugly?
Journalists and people in the News Media Industry have found the advancement of technology to play in their favour. Journalists don't need to necessarily bring pen/paper to an interview anymore, they could bring their personal laptop, then after editing it and making it how they want, they could just send it straight from the luxury of their own living room. with all the new technology people can now video record footage from other countries and have it playing live in your home. The opportunities for furthering technology to benefit the Media Industry is endless..

Monday, May 17, 2010

Technological Playground

The internet is evil. Sure it's a wealth of information. Sure it provides us with easy means of accessing all forms of media.

Sure it allows us to communicate with hard to reach friends. But it is full of some of the most time wasting, useless, procrastinating stuff ever imagined.

On a day-to-day basis I find myself distracted from school work, work that will get me a career and a life, with /mu/, youtube, cracked.com, facebook, Msn and Married to the Sea.

This is how technology impacts me, it deters me. It makes everything easier, more accesible and due to this, makes me lazier. Sure they may fill my head with information, most of it is usually useless. At what point in life will I need to name all of The Cure's albums in chronological order, or 7 celebrities who had badass careers before they were famous?

Despite this, all these sites are brilliant. Sure it may be procrastinating, but at least i'm having a good time.

Here are some of my favourite sites to spend countless hours on:

This is world renowned as one of the most incredibly procrasti-worthy sites. By the time you've finished one article, you can't wait to click on the next. It specializes in lists and feature articles.

Again, much like cracked, by the time you've finished reading one article, can't wait to read the next. The site involves the trolling antics of David Thorne, now famous for the whole "Kate's Party" prank on facebook.

The amount of new music I have discovered on this site is unmeasurable. It's always good for a laugh and music discussion.

Webcomics take up a lot of my time also. Again, some of my favourites:

Crazy, colorful, surreal. Children's comics for adult's.

Sarcasm taken to it's logical conclusion.

Dark, dark comedy, with heart.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

My 20 Minutes in Heaven :P

Want a moment of peace and tranquility?
By Rebecca Lang
After spending my 20 minutes in "heaven" or more specifically Wollongong TAFE Court Yard, felt myself feeling at peace with the world and myself. Why? you may ask? Well...

After the 1st few moments of walking into the court yard with James and Hayley. I noticed how the sun was seeping through the wiltering trees, mixed with the tweeting of little birds and the mixed conversations with the few people escaping out of class made the surrounding environment almost serene.

When the three of us sit down to converse, i feel the sun on my back and my man by my side. I can just feel my body and spirit take a deep breath of fresh Autumn air and feel that i can finally just be one with the world.


Isolating myself in the corner of a usually over crowded courtyard nearing the canteen, I found myself listening and viewing nearby action in depth. Things that I would normally pass by, oblivious to my surroundings.
As I stare across into the distance, my eyes are encountered by many appealing, and not so appealing images. Some of the not so appealing involving Rebecca and James practicing their love for one another at a table near by. Thanks guys.
The sound accompanying these images is limited. There is little to no noise surrounding my location, apart from the slight chatter produced by Bec and the rustle of the leaves in the trees above.
This 'peaceful' 10 minutes played out identically second after second, hardly changing. This proceeded until a sharp noise had broken my silence with about 8 minutes to spare. A group of very annoying and small minor birds had perched themselves on the branches stretching out across the roof of the area.
For the next 8, painful minutes, the birds had obviously became the most dominant sounds which I would assume were irritating more people than myself (which was later confirmed when Rebecca threw a stone to the trees, followed by an abusive murmur of words)
Time was up. Back to class.

Observing Nothing

I'm sitting at an ageing wooden bench. The smell is very neutral. The atmosphere is also quite tranquil. Apart from the reigning terror from above.

The sound is dominated mostly by the calls and chirps of birds and the rush of air inside a nearby inflatable screen. Ladies from the administration building continually come outside, sometimes twice in the short time i'm there, to sit nearby and smoke.

The grass has gone from a bright, vibrant orange to a deeper green with the sun passing. A slight but constant wind rustles the leaves on the trees and ground.

The rattle of bins being pushed dominates the ambience for a short time as they are piloted behind me by two men. Looks like fun. The air has grown slightly cooler.

A distant train roars and rattles on it's tracks. Nearby cars hum calmly as they drive past.

Two men have come and are having a quiet conversation. It seems they know each other. They both refer to the nearby projection screen in puzzlement.

The faint buzz of heavy traffic can also be heard. The birds have begun to get louder and are now squawking.

Due to it being the end of the day, people can be seen walking towards their cars. Mostly heads down. Hands full of books.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Post 2

Detail the impact of new and emerging technologies on traditional news gathering and presentation practices.

Technology is changing dramatically everyday for example these days Journalist's don't have to write on a note pad or take a recorder around with them all they need now is there mobile phone.
Say GOODBYE to heavy Video Cameras now you can get a video camera that only weighs 162g.

Technology is crazy these days and it's just going to get more advanced in years to come.
Technology in My Daily Life

When I sit down and think about it I reckon I'd use a lot more technology than I initially thought. You don't really think about it, at first you might but after a while you start to take these things for granted and don't really appreciate them.

Going from the time that I wake up to when I go to bed I use the lights, my hair-straightener, my iPod, my mothers car, the computers at school, sometimes the amps in the music rooms, my portable DVD-player, my stereo, sometimes my amps and sometimes I use my mobile. See? Thats not bad is it?

These things certainly do enhance my life come to think of it. I can see with the lights on. My hair wouldn't be all nice and straight when I spike it up without my straightener. And how do you expect me to piss the neighbours off so easily without my amps?!

Yes, these technologies sure do make life sweet. But what if I used up all my free-time on my mobile? What if I sat on MySpace all night every night? Would I be able to function properly as a human-being?

In my opinion internet socialising is the new MTV. Sure they use to play Marilyn Manson videos, sure they have some great shows like Jackass and..............................okay thats all I can think of. But what MTV seem to do to kids from what I have gathered is that it stopped them from thinking. Blank. Nothing. No ones home.

I do not have a MySpace account or anything like that and when I tell people I do not have one they seem shocked most of the time! How can I not have a MySpace?! I won't have to think! I won't have to have a real life! Why would I want to go to a Resistance or SA meeting when I could be on MySpace?!

Boy oh boy have they done a good job or what? They have actually dumbed down the kids so much that none of them know what I'm talking about when I say "CPRS"! The minds of most kids are in a coma.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Post 1- News Media Industry

The News Media Industry is very large and has many different Catorgry's involved such as:
Newspaper, Radio, Television, News, Internet and also Entertainment news all of these still tell us what's happening in the world just in different ways like Newspapers and the Internet you have to read where Radio, Television, News and Entertainment news you ethier watch and listen or just listen.

The News Media Industry basiclly tells us what's happening in our society and also what's happening around the world.
That's what i belive the News Media Industry is all about.

"News Media Industry"

Post1- "News Media Industry"
By Rebecca Lang

News Media Industry refers to mass media. It's main focus is to present to its viewers the most current news and events. There are 3 types of news media, print media (newspapers, magazines), broadcast media (radio stations, television stations, television networks), and internet-based media (world wide web pages, weblogs).

Postcode Patriotism- Youth gangs

Would you get your phone number tattooed on you? How about your tax file number? Or maybe your postcode? Sounds ridiculous, yes, but sadly, young males are branding themselves with four digit codes relevant to their place of residence. "What is the point?" you may ask, and indeed it does seem pointless act, but in the minds of these youth, all they really want is to belong.

Youth gangs, gang culture and gang activity in the Illawarra area is steadily on the rise. In recent years, the postcode patriotism has drawn large scale media attention, which unfortunately has done little more than make the gangs feel glorified and inflate their already exaggerated egos. These gangs draw their inspiration from notorious postcode gangs, the most well known of these being the Maroubra "Bra boys" and their three infamous leaders, the Abberton Brothers- Jai, Koby and Sunny. Like the "Bra boys", many of the Illawarra's youth gangs, particularly from the northern suburbs, base their ideals and activities around beach and surf culture.

Youth gangs generally consist of young males who range in age from about 16 up to 24, but can also have a following of females, who believe it a novelty to be in with this crowd. More often than not, they are involved with the members of these crowds purely out of sexual interest, or romantic desire. Members of these youth gangs usually come from a low socio economic background, or simply just aspire to be part of the crowd.

Often, gangs are divided on the basis of their different postcodes, and are frequently involved in violent confrontations with members of opposing groups. A good example of this is the rivalry between the "17 Soulja's" commonly known as the "Woonona Boys" and the "2516 Bulli BEAF" also known as the "Bulli Boys". The groups and their members glorify themselves mainly by use of public internet sites such as Facebook and Myspace, and attempt to intimidate rival groups by posting pictures depicting members holding different weapons and their various "tough" looking tattoos. Another way in which different groups like to compete and draw attention to themselves is through vandalism. They "tag" property with their various slogans and postcodes to assert dominance.

I personally believe that these youth express an underlying desire to belong and be part of "that crowd", and they are willing to go to lengths to feel included. If tattooing your body with your postcodes and symbols of "pride", and resorting to violence and crime is the way to do this, then this is what they will do. I believe this behaviour is quite excessive, and really just shows how weak these males are in succumbing to peer pressure. It is a ridiculous imitation of of the "Bra boys" and American gang culture, and is an unneccessary source of crime and worry for the police.

Unfortunately, as gang culture is glorified more and more through the media, with books and films made by the "Bra Boys", Television series such as "underbelly" and constant films depicting American gang culture, the number and threat of these gangs will continue to rise. There really needs to be a tougher crackdown on youth gangs to avoid escalated levels of crime and violence within our communities.

I feel that youth gangs such as the "2516 Bulli BEAF", "17 souljas", "dapto wolfpack", "Figi boys" and all the rest should not be encouraged. The gangs are groups of unimaginative youths with a lack of self confidence who develop a patriotic attitude toward the supposed supremacy of their suburbs in an attempt for power, pride and belonging.

Bree Wilkinson

Monday, March 15, 2010


A gang is a group of people who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity...."
Now google's definition of a "gang" makes them sound harmless but, to the average 16-25 year old person, a gang is more threatening then a google definition.

"2526", "2500", "2528", "Bulli Boys", "Berry Boys", "Turk Boys", "Figi Boys", "Oak Flats Elite". These are all examples of mindless teenagers trying to be big, strong, tough men, when in actual fact the majority are "mummies boys" who are just following the crowd.

And as for the chicks or "groupies" that follow these gangs they are generally nothing more than "skanks" who feel tough because they're going out with "one of da boiz". These young women and men get high or sell drugs every day. They sell weed, ice or cocaine to make a living and are probably going to be doing that for the rest of their lives.

Some of these people may actually grow a mind and "snap out of this phase" as some parents might say, but by the time that happens it is too late and they may have had a child and stuffed up their education anyway. All because they were too worried about what their "brothaz" might think. Ridiculious huh?

And I've gotta ask, where the hell are the parents of these children? Why are they letting them roam the streets at all hours of the night, do drugs, and in general just make a nuisance of themselves? These so called "parents" are either doing the same thing (so they probably see no harm in what their children are doing) or are just not able to manage their offspring's recklessness. They need to get it together and get some control - of themselves and of their kids!

(Note: this article is not an example of ALL gangs, just the ones who act like this. No offence intended)

Monday, March 1, 2010

David Stratton (Fails at life) :P

Mao's Last Dancer (review of a review)

By Rebecca Lang

This review of Mao's Last Dancer by David Stratton is pretty much just a replay of the movie (though it does not go into detail and give away the ending).

For the first four paragraphs of the review, it only really states what actually happens in the movie. Though in the last two paragraphs there are actually David's thoughts in regard to the movie, which to me came across as though he wasn't really paying attention to the story line of the movie opposed to being stubborn and picky with the actors chosen. Which I thought was just silly considering that it was an emotional roller coaster from my perspective.

We felt sorry for him, we cried for him and then for a finale we applauded because he was finally getting his family back after being put in a position of not being able to see his loved ones for several years.

I really like this movie and would recommend it to anyone who loves to laugh, cry, and applaud, all in the space of 2 hours.

See the review at: http://www.abc.net.au/atthemovies/txt/s2671834.htm

New Moon- A non teenage-girl perspective

Review of Vicky Roach's review by Bree Wilkinson

"New Moon brings the limitations of Stephenie Meyer's teenage vampire romance into sharp relief."

After sifting through many reviews, this opening sentence provides a refreshing burst in a sea of monotony. It draws me in immediately, and after the first few paragraphs, I am already laughing out loud after her witty comments about the horrible diologue, and lead actor Kirsten Stewart, being "damaged goods" a claim with which I can strongly agree.

But don't get me wrong, I myself am a bit of a sucker (no pun intended) for the vampire romance, but it is hard to ignore the obvious flaws in the movie, which are pointed out so cleverly by Vicky Roach. I personally find this blog well written, maybe because it generally is, or possibly because I empathise with the reviewer's distaste for the highly irritating Kirsten Stewart, or the statements made implying that Taylor Lautner and his super-ripped muscles bring "energy" to the film.

The wit, humour and perspective presented in this review seperate it from conventional film reviews, as well as differentiating it from news stories. The personal opinion added is used simply to give the author's opinion as well as get a reaction, as opposed to a news story, where the aim is to persuade the reader of a certain ideal.

I enjoyed this film review immensly for the way it criticises the film, although if I were to review New Moon, my teenage girl instincts would take over and I would become completely oblivious to any flaws when met with Taylor Lautner's perfectly sculpted body.

Blake John Rigby

We sit down on the slightly-overused, but otherwise comfy, beanbags in the far end of the TAFE library. It's a Tuesday afternoon, and the first lesson of " Media and Journalism". The class has been paired off to casually interview other members. I am sitting with my new-found friend Natasha, and two other class members who I am yet to meet, Blake and Jake.We prepare ourselves to ask questions about each other, and at first it is slightly awkward, which is only to be expected. "So" I inquire as an attempt to break the ice " If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take 5 things, what would you take?" this seems to have the desired effect. Before long we are chatting, with the standardised questions "where are you from?", "what school do you go to?" and other trivial things. Soon, I begin to take notes on Blake Rigby, and form a brief overview of himself and his life.

Blake Rigby was born on October 26, 1993. Not to be confused with his best mate Jake, he is in year 11 at Figtree High School. Blake started his schooling at Mt. St. Thomas primary school, and this year, Blake will be taking Business studies, Work studies, SLR, Photography, English and software & design. Blake explains work studies is his favourite subject, simply because "it's easy". He has also started studying the "media and journalism" course at wollongong TAFE, to "get out of doing geography".

Blake lives in Mount St Thomas, and plays Soccer as a goalkeeper at Wollongong Olympic. His main hobby is Soccer, but he is also partial to a bit of rugby league and cricket, and according to his best friend Jake, he "plays a lot of X-box". Blake supports two teams; Manchester city and the Penrith Panthers as far as Rugby goes.

He lives with his 13 year old brother, his mum, pet dog and 2 birds which he apparently "doesn't pay much attention to". Blake's taste in music is a broad "anything but heavy metal". He has never been overseas, but is hoping to travel when he turns 18. After travelling, he is unsure what he wants to do with his life.

In regards to popular fiction, Blake enjoys watching comedy films such as "Step brothers" and "Role Models". Blake hates reading, and it is obvious after asking him about his favourite novel, that he hates it with a passion.

Spiritually, Blake does not believe in God, or in any other greater force. He simply states that "when you die, you go underground".Blake has also developed an immense fear of snakes, after being chased by one in is early childhood, yet he is not afraid of heights, or spiders for that matter.

Through observing and interviewing Jake for 15 minutes, It is clear that Blake is a guy that loves his sport and Xbox. He is easygoing and friendly, and although not entirely sure what path he wants to take in life, it is clear that he has an exciting future ahead of him.

"Memiors of a geisha" - Review from an western point of view.

Edward Darell who reviewed the film 'Memoirs of a geisha' seems very well opinionated and biased towards what he believes geisha's to be about classing them as 'prostitutes', rather then knowing the facts and going upon how geisha's are portrayed to the western eye.

I have done alot of research upon this topic seeing as i became interested in the traditional way of a Geisha's customs and cultures after seeing this film and although I had the same opion as Edward at the start abnout what i claimed Geisha's to be all about ; mainly being high class prostitutes , after watching this film I then read the actual novel that was the based upon the truth of this film under the same name. I then then figured out not long after this film was solely based upon to entertain the audience it originally intended to , and to entice them into the world of the unknown Geisha known as Sayuri. The 'real' novel which this movie was based upon told a completely different story to how the geisha life is really led.

I had been originally looking forward to viewing this film seeing as Rob Marshall was typecast as the director and Pultizer winner Doug White to co-write the script.

After a short introduction into Edwards own personal experiences , as he views to the readers how he views Geisha's life from his his point of view and deciphers the actors that are used to portray the characters in the film based on the novel. He refers to the main character who i believed to be a perfect fit as the 'bad' girl Hatsumomo is an actor of only an Kmart romance novel/ tv quality. Although i agree when he disputes that some if not all the actors who play the characters in the film are poorly developed . I disagree with this fact as I believe not all are poorly cast into the characters roles as i believe Ziyi Zang is the perfect fit as the blue eyed Asian girl who was picked from the slums into the elusive world of the Geisha , and becomes world known and the best Geisha of her generation. Although I agree with him once more when he agures that this film is based upon Japanese culture amongst the 1940's , that Japenese actors should have been used to act within the film when actually all Chinese actors were typecast into the lead roles.

I once more agree when he discusses that the film could have dealt and posed more important questions such as how could a female handle being a geisha in the ever changing society of the 1960's? but thanks to Rob Marshalls cinetomography teciques i got lost in my train of thoughts and just sat back and enjoyed the beautiful sceneray in which this movie was set in. I disagree with how Edward believes that the haiku-like performances shown throughout the film have all the depth of a "Confucius say" joke , but i believe the way the dance performances are performed through ut the films running bring the depth that the film unfortunality lacked during some apsects including the poor dialect spoken by the Chinese actors trying to perfect the Japenese accent.

I do recommend seeing this film as i rather enjoyed it but do remember most of it is based upon of truth so with the whole elusive world of the geisha when it comes to being opinated about their way of life that has almost distergrated into our society of today , the old saying comes into play of ' Never judge a book by its cover'.

By Emily Treglown

Twiligh Review :)

The movie Twlight is a dull adaptation of Stephany Meyer's book of the same title.
In this movie, a "vegetarian" vampire falls in love with a 'normal' girl.
This supposed 'teen romance' was more like a lullaby as the sleepy cinematography and the lack of action and engaging plot put me right to sleep.

Kirsten Stuart plays a very unlikable Isabel Swan, while Robert Patterson (Edward) is barely passable as eye-candy. Patterson and Stuart had some obvious chemistry the relationship between the vampire and Isabel was un-interesting to say the least.

Stephany Meyer's concept of sparkling vampires did not translate well with the director going for a more subtle romantic view on vampires.

The soft core view of vampires, while popular with teenybopper audiences, could not translate to a broader audience.

For now sparkly, friendly vampires are the new thing but I predict this will fizzle out in the near future.

Even the soundtrack for the movie fails miserably. The movie had many opportunities to be made tolerable through the soundtrack but the directer opted for more mainstream, similarly dull music.

The whole movie is almost like a dark joke, hanging a glimpse of action and excitement just out of arms length like a lion (Edward) playing with its prey (Bella and perhaps all of us movie goers) and just letting it go.

Twilight has to get some applause though as the intended audience has fell head over heals with the characters and story line. There was some promise for the movie but the director played it safe, appealing to a softer, younger, more malleable audience.

All in all, this movie was mushy, poorly adapted for a film and mildly entertaining only because of the terrible acting.
By Sophiee

State Of Play

By Hayley Speechley

The film "State of Play" stars an ageing Journalist (Russel Crowe) and a rising Congressman (Ben Affleck) who previously share friendship.
This friendship begins to re ignite as Stephen Collins (Congressman) becomes the key link to a series of suspicious events.

Nearing Collins presidential peak, his assistant (also secretly his mistress) is viciously murdered. This is when bitter fact begins to seep through the to the surface and then bends Collin's original game plan.

The film continues by unfolding this 'series of suspicious events' which have called for excessive heated commotion and difficult decision making. All this heated commotion has resulted in Collin's being put under pressure and is being viewed closely by the public eye. This is when the truth is unfolded and after where incorrect fact and unwanted opinion has previously positioned them, Washington insiders come to a conclusion.

In conclusion, the director of "State of Play", Kevin MacDonald, has put together a well structured film and represents his ideas and emotion successfully through the dialogue and camera techniques, which presents his movie as a sucessful one.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Review for The Wolfman

It is fairly well written (mainly because it articulates well just how freakin' terrible it is) and all film reviews are different from news stories for many reasons such as they are not about the latest celebrity couple to have a heated arguement or trivial matters such as war and inequality, they're about one of the things in this world that affects us the least. The latest movie out at your local cinema, though film reviews draw more eyes than "Village of people slaughtered in Africa".

Miss Sophie Haber :)

A hot Tuesday afternoon.
As I sit outside on a bench in Wollongong TAFE smoking a cigarette with my new pal Miss Sophie Haber, who I currently know nothing about, I wonder... who is Sophie? What does she like? What are her political views? These are the questions I seek an answer to.
We got along straight away, Sophie is a very easy person to get along with and talk to. We made small talk about random things like smoking and had a nice conversation with our teacher Peter about how people kill trees and pretty much don't help the environment just to make cigarettes. I ask Sophie the questions I had been itching to find out, and these are the results.
Miss Sophie Courtney Haber is a 16 year old woman, from Austinmer. She is currently a smoker but would like to quit in the near future. Sophie has had 23 piercings in her life but today has she only has 5. A brunette with blonde streaks and brown eyes, she is very intelligent and seems to have her head screwed on pretty well considering her age.
Sophie lives at home with her parents and has her own personal farm - 3 dogs, 3 horses, 4 chickens, 1 rabbit (who thinks its a chicken) and 2 cats.
Sophie is currently doing her HSC through Wollongong TAFE, previously went to Port Kembla Senior College and in the future would like to become a tattoo artist.
Sophie enjoys riding horses, hanging out with friends and boyfriend Danijel, listening to her i-pod and enjoys all genres of music. She also enjoys reading, going to concerts, eating mac & cheese, the colour pink, and rainy days.
Sophie was an enjoyable person to interview and can see us hanging out in the future.
By Rebecca Lang :P

"The Box" Review by Rossiter Drake

This review of the film "The Box" starts a bit unconventional. For some reason Rossiter decided to start his review like he'd already written half of it. I must say i haven't seen the film, yet, but i did enjoy Richard Kelly's previous cult sensation "Donnie Darko". It also seems Mr Drake did as well by mentioning it throughout the review and at one point discribing the film as 'brilliant'. He also shows much praise towards Richard Kelly's recent movie "The Box".

After a brief synopsis of the film, Rossiter talks about the strengths of the film compared to Director Richard Kelly's previous film "Southland Tales". He then goes on to compare the actor's work in this film to their own previous films including referencing Frank Langella's previous Oscar nomination for his previous film "Frost/Nixon". He then summises with some final critique on the film including "It is loosely constructed, sometimes from parts that don’t come together." Despite this reviews strange introduction, it was still well written and also very informative whilst not revealing too much about the plot.

Movie reviews are different to news stories as, can be seen in the link, reviews are an artistic critique whilst news stories provide a neutral recount of an event.

-.about emily.-

HEY, I'm Emily...whatsup! :)
i enjoy watching dvd's, hanging with friends, sleepovers, dancing till morning breaks, orange tics tacs, going for a swim (saltwater preferably...cleanses the skin), going for a run, cosmo, late nights, horrors, singing in the shower, annoying people, smiling, boys and bad romance...
i dislike, rude people, justin bieber haters, peppermint, avocado, old peoples shoes, small verandahs, crocs, smoking and ads...
i love all sorts of music besides screamo, i believe it does not create meaning or any sense of musical creativity. However, i 'ily' hip-hop and dance with a spice of techno ;) i heart Justin Bieber...
i go to wollongong high for acting. im really good at it. i went to L.A. for an acting tour in 08' and met adam sandler and other famous peeps. One day i want to be a famous actress and be on the cover of a DVD :)
i really want to travel when i get older, see the world...meet new peeps...and try new foods :)
i consider myself to be a short brunette, funny, outgoing, loud, entertaining person...im rarely sad and i smile alot!

peace lovers

Get to the point

Sydney Morning Herald's review of the movie "It's Complicated" begins analysing the movie using positive tone. This text is instantly obvious bias.
Many irrelevant facts are brought into discussion, being basic facts about previous movies the main actors have stared in and also commenting on the age gap between star actor Meryl Steep and the director of the movie. This instantly leads me to believe it is not very well written in terms of the content a usual film review contains.
This review is different from a news story because a news story is usually written to inform the readers about actual fact or a current event. A film review briefly retells the plot of the film adding the authors opinion and other side facts. The author of a film review is writing about fiction, something in a film, whereas a news story is generally based on fact and not fiction.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ben Kohler

Ben Kohler (16 years of age) hails from Woonona High School.
In Ben's spare time, he enjoys basking in the sounds of Punk-Rock bands such as the Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, Misfits, Black Flag, The Clash and also appreciates a bit of Marlyn Manson! As well as listening to the music his favourite bands produce, Ben also plays the bass guitar which falls into the list of his many hobbies.
On a weekend, Ben entertains himself by "reading alot". He enjoys reading novels written by Stephen King, as well as snooping the internet to find media sources which are usually politically based articles. He likes that kind of stuff!
Ben is currently unemployed yet he feels he should really get a job! Anyone hiring? Unfortunatly Ben would have to be very reliant on public transport, he is almost 17 and doesn't have his L's! Although this doesn't seem to worry him.
Changing schools 5 times and once living in Nowra, Ben must be close to seeing it all! Yet his career path is still being deceided.
From the 10 quiet minutes I have spent one on one with Ben, I have walked away with the knowledge that he is quite smart, has strong beliefs and is a generally nice guy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

By Ben Kohler
Hayley is the only person in this class I have talked to but I don’t need to talk to anyone else to know that she is probably the most enthralling.
She plays guitar, electric drums and composes for friends’ bands. She likes a little hardcore (A Day to Remember), a bit of old heavy metal (Led Zeppelin) and best of all, she hates all the commercial pop you hear playing on the radio all day! Enthralling!
She likes tennis, plays a little touch football and use to do surf life saving and atheletics. She tells me she watches comedies and horrors and wants to be a journalist one day. Maybe write a book or two, or five.
She has two younger sisters whom she loathes (one is naive and ignorant and the other is just flat out annoying). She works at Macca’s but when asked she said “ KFC is alright.”
She is 17 in one month, goes to Figtree High and is very pretty.
Who is Bree Wilkinson? Bree lives in Austinmer, attends Smith Hill high school where she is a house captain for sport. Her favourite subject is history. Bree likes to go to school, her hobbies are soccer, track running and scouts. Bree was born on the 20th of October, 1993. Bree's favourite food is Mexican.

Bree works at Mcdonalds with Emily and enjoys it. At home, Bree has a younger brother and an older sister. Bree has a dog, a budgie, a cockatoo, 3 chickens and she had 5 fish, but 1 fish ate the rest of them.

Bree does this course because she would like to work in this field in the future. Bree's favourite food is chicken and is into any kind of music but she love Britney Spears.

Bree has travelled overseas with her family, and has gone to New Zealand,Vietnam, Hawaii, Fiji and America.

Tyler 101.

Let me tell you something about Tyler Daniel Heycott!!

Tyler is 16 celebrating a birthday in September , hey you lucky ladies Daniel is available and only 7 months away till he turns 17 . Although he appears reserved and quiet to the public eye , He is actually an amazing bass player and apart of a band , groupies unite!. Tyler attends Smith hill High and is currently in year 10 and was the creative genius behind the band ' My little Underground' and plays bass , the most vital and important member to have in any band. All Tylers current attention is focused on his band so atm he doesnt feel the need or the appeal of having a job. A tattoo is on the near horizon so lay by this hottie until next year , as he will be in his prime.

Rebecca Ashleigh Lang

When I was told I was going to interview Rebecca I thought she would be your average pretty blue eyed, blonde teenager but she was anything but.
Rebecca is very well spoken and driven despite being only 16 years of age. Already she is a hard worker and can’t wait to get her higher education and have a career in journalism.
Don’t let Rebecca’s light and bubbly exterior fool you though- she is headstrong and very outgoing and if she has a problem with you, she will tell you. She is definately someone to look up to.
Besides hanging out with her boyfriend of one month, Rebecca also enjoys walking, going to school, reading, piercings and is happy doing not much at all. Rebecca Ashleigh Lang is definately someone worth getting to know better.

By Sophiee.

About Emily

Who is Emily Kiara Treglown? Emily is a 17 year old currently from Warilla. She is in year 12 at Warilla High School. This afternoon I spoke with her about many disjointed topics. Initially not too chatty but after a while I felt like I wasn't contributing enough to the conversation. Typecast questions about interests and hobbies didn't warrant much response but she did have a lot more to say about personal experiences including previous employment. She has previously worked at Wendy's, Blockbuster, and SDS, all three buisnesses renound for part time workers. When the subject came to her future ambitions of being a news reader, she seemed more focused but still a bit undecided. I enjoyed speaking with her and am looking forward to working with her in the future.